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Let's design, manage and improve your digital marketing with us.
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Join the 10.000+ companies trusting LandingHub
01 01
Collaborate with Local, ASEAN, and International News Portals
Collaborating with local, ASEAN and international news portals can be an invaluable strategy in growing your business broadly, enhancing credibility and expanding your brand's reach and impact in different markets.
02 02
Affiliated with B2B Platform and LKPP
Collaboration with B2B platforms and NPPAs can be an invaluable strategy in expanding markets, increasing business opportunities, and strengthening your company's position in the industry.
03 03
Provide Access to Competitor Analysis Service
Competitor analysis services are an essential tool for companies to understand their market, identify opportunities and threats, and design effective strategies to win the competition.
About Deus Code
Founded in 2016, Our Studio Specializes in User Experience
We work with clients from a wide range of sectors, from small startups to high-profile companies and established organizations. We offer bespoke solutions rooted in creativity, effectiveness and aesthetics.
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Our Services

Landing Page
Landing pages are web pages specifically designed for a specific marketing or advertising purpose.
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Company Profile Website
Company Profile website is a website that displays complete information about the company's services and services, catalogs, contacts and blogs for SEO optimization.
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E-Commerce Website
A website for buying and selling where the goal is to open a Facebook and Instagram shop.
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Custom Made Website
Custom made websites offer solutions that are designed specifically according to the client's needs.
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Search Engine Optimization
To stay productive, optimize your website with our Search Engine Optimization services.
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Google Ads Management
Google Ads ad management involves creating, optimizing, and monitoring paid advertising campaigns on the Google platform.
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Social Media
Manage your social media accounts carefully to increase engagement, expand reach, and strengthen relationships with your audience.
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Dozens of companies around the world, especially in Indonesia, Surabaya trusts Deus Code Studio.

Why Choose
Deus Code
Specialist Team
It has a team of professionals who are experts in various digital fields such as graphic design, web development, digital marketing, and data analysis. They have in-depth knowledge and practical experience in effective digital strategies and tactics. By working with a digital agency, you can access their expertise to develop and execute successful digital campaigns.

Increased Online Visibility
Helps increase the visibility and online presence of your business through various digital channels such as social media, search engines, websites, and other platforms. They design and execute the right digital marketing strategies to reach your target audience, increase website traffic, and strengthen your brand awareness online.

User Experience Optimization
Focus on optimized user experience to generate positive interactions between customers and your brand on digital platforms. They design responsive, intuitive and engaging websites, and optimize content and user interfaces to increase user retention and conversion.

In-depth Data Analysis
Using data and analytics to understand online user behavior, measure campaign performance, and identify opportunities for improvement. They use a variety of analytics tools and key performance metrics to provide deep insights into the effectiveness of your digital strategy. With a better understanding of data, you can make smarter and more strategic decisions in your marketing efforts and overall business development.

Start your free trial
Build the right plan for your team.
Simple Plan
- Hosting Space 300GB
- Emails Unlimited
- Pricing Feature Available
- Exclusive Support Not Avai.
Popular Plan
- Hosting Space 700GB
- Emails Unlimited
- Pricing Feature Available
- Bonus Plugins Included
- Exclusive Support Yes
Exclusive Plan
- Hosting Space 900GB
- Emails Unlimited
- Pricing Feature Available
- Exclusive Support Available
Simple Plan
- Hosting Space 300GB
- Emails Unlimited
- Pricing Feature Available
- Exclusive Support Not Avai.
Popular Plan
- Hosting Space 700GB
- Emails Unlimited
- Pricing Feature Available
- Bonus Plugins Included
- Exclusive Support Yes
Exclusive Plan
- Hosting Space 900GB
- Emails Unlimited
- Pricing Feature Available
- Exclusive Support Available

” Selama magang, saya memiliki kesempatan untuk bekerja dalam lingkungan kerja yang kolaboratif dan dinamis. Saya bekerja bersama tim multidisiplin yang terdiri dari desainer, pengembang web, dan analis data. Kolaborasi ini membantu saya memahami pentingnya komunikasi efektif dan kerja tim dalam mencapai tujuan bersama. Selain itu, saya juga belajar bagaimana mengintegrasikan berbagai keterampilan dan keahlian untuk menciptakan solusi yang kreatif dan efektif untuk klien. “
Internship Deus Code
SMK Telkom Malang

” Salah satu hal yang paling saya hargai dari magang ini adalah kesempatan untuk terus belajar dan berkembang. Saya diajak untuk terlibat dalam pelatihan dan workshop reguler yang membahas tren terbaru dalam industri digital dan teknologi. Ini memperluas wawasan saya tentang berbagai strategi dan alat digital, serta membantu saya mengasah keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk sukses dalam karier pemasaran digital. Pengalaman ini memperkuat tekad saya untuk terus belajar dan menjadi profesional digital yang kompeten. “
Internship Deus Code
SMK Al-Azhar Gresik

” Magang di perusahaan digital agency memberi saya pengalaman praktis dalam dunia pemasaran digital. Saya terlibat dalam berbagai proyek pemasaran online, mulai dari mengelola kampanye iklan di media sosial hingga merancang strategi konten untuk meningkatkan brand awareness klien. Saya juga belajar tentang analisis data dan penggunaan alat-alat digital untuk mengukur kinerja kampanye, yang merupakan pengetahuan berharga bagi karier masa depan saya. “
Internship Deus Code
Universitas Petra Surabaya
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